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Lakeshore area, Wisconsin, United States
The journey of our family... new job for Joseph, new city for all of us. Homeschooling full time this fall, considering foster to adoption as an option of adding to our family.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Is it really June?!

I am sitting in my living room waiting for the conference call to start for my Wildtree business and wondering if it is really June. Why you may ask... because it is like 50 degrees outside. It has been cold and rainy for two days now and I am wondering when summer will come. We have been busy since getting back from graduation. I had Joseph's graduation party last Sunday and it was a hit. He was so surprised, I got him good. The job search continues, I have actually sent out the first resumes in almost a month. One was to a company we already applied to but I figured it wouldn't hurt to try again. The other was to a school in Minneapolis. I am pretty sure it is a Christian school and the position is perfect. It is a full time salaried position as a health and wellness coordinator working with inner city youth. I really did not want to move out of WI but the thought of living in the twin cities is a little exciting since there is so much to do. It is also within a 4 hour drive to get back home so that is a plus. We will see what happens. I keep searching but there is just nothing else out there.

I have gotten to see two of my long distance friends in the last week. My friend Sarah came home from Iowa last weekend and we had a picnic lunch with her family. Yesterday I got to see my freind Mercedes. She was one of my best freinds in high school and she lives in Portland with her husband. Her sister in law was killed in a horrible accident and they came home for the funeral. We went to the funeral as support for her and her husband as friends. We did not get to spend too much time together but I was glad to hear they are coming home in July for a longer trip. Her and her hubby are both laid off from their employers so please keep them in your prayers.

Hannah will be five in two short weeks and I can't believe it. I have her b-day party next Sunday. We also have our church camp meeting starting the weekend of June 19. We will be down there all week. We really enjoy camp meeting, it gives us a chance to see friends we only see once a year because people come from all over WI, MI, MN and even farther to our meeting. I really hope the weather warms up before then.

Well my meeting is about to start so I guess I will go for now. Have a blessed day.

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