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Lakeshore area, Wisconsin, United States
The journey of our family... new job for Joseph, new city for all of us. Homeschooling full time this fall, considering foster to adoption as an option of adding to our family.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Sorry I have been MIA..

It has been a while since I posted and I apologize. We have been so busy and while we were in Kansas I had limited internet. Joseph is a graduate!!!!! 

Since my last post we traveled to Kansas. We left Wednesday evening after Hannah's visit to the PAC to see where she would stand for her recital. We got into Hays, KS around 9:30a on Thursday. We found the campus and picked up Joseph's cap and gown. We also got some graduation t-shirts. We were able to check into Joe's parents room early to eat lunch and rest. We went to visit a local historical site and then went to bed early.

Friday Joseph had rehearsal for graduation. On Saturday we went to a breakfast put on by the virtual college and then we went to the colliseum where Joe's parents were saving our seats. We got there at 7am to get good seats, front row! Joseph graduated around 11:15am and then the ceremony ended about noon. We left Hays at 1:00pm and got home at 6:30am on Sunday. I was exhausted so I got a couple hour nap in before my dad stopped by with our dog, Abby. 

Then another long day started. I had to take Hannah to her first ballet recital and I was silly enough to volunteer to chaperone the first show. It was so hard because we did not know anything so we had to wing it on what to do and when to line the kids up. Hannah missed the final rehersal at the PAC so when she got on stage she forgot where to stand and half the dance. She was trying to watch everyone else and follow along. Then she decided to jump up to the front row. After her first show we went to subway and took the sandwiches to the park for a picnic. After eating we let Hannah play for a while. Then we had to be back to the PAC for her second show. We had front row seats to see her perform. Joe's parents and our friend Jennifer were there too. This time Hannah got lost immediately on stage and was on the wrong side of the stage and in the front row again. I can't wait to get the video because I think we may have a contender for funniest home videos. I was laughing so hard. She is 4 so I did not get too upset that she messed up so bad. It would be different if she was older. But it was her first year and her first recital and she missed final rehearsal.

While in Kansas we got a call from the local temp agency that I have worked for countless times. They offered Joseph a temp job at a bank in town until the end of June. He accepted even though the pay is low because we need the income. I have submitted so many resumes and we have heard nothing from any of them. It has not been easy finding something in his field. We are hoping the ministry gets a location soon so we can go full-time into that and stop this job search. I am hoping that is why there is nothing out there for Joseph right now. Maybe God has bigger plans for us, and it is just not ready yet.

We had our last MOPS meeting yesterday. We have a few playdates during the summer and I am looking forward to still meeting with these wonderful ladies. I have Joseph's party almost ready to go. I have to get the food and make it yet, get a few final decorations and decide on the table decorations yet. I have figured out how to get him there and how to get over there early to decorate and do the food without him suspecting anything. I hope it goes well. Once I have finished his party I can consentrate on Hannah's party. I hope she has a good turnout, I have only heard from two girls so far.

The weather has been so nice, I filled Hannah's pool the other day and she got to swim for the first time this year. She loved it. We have no big plans this holiday weekend. Joseph and Hannah are going to camp out in our yard to check out the tent for the upcoming camping season. We will grill out and have a bonfire to roast veggie dogs, make smores and maybe pudgy pies. I have a Wildtree party this afternoon and we have a birthday party on Monday.

Have a blessed day.

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