About Me

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Lakeshore area, Wisconsin, United States
The journey of our family... new job for Joseph, new city for all of us. Homeschooling full time this fall, considering foster to adoption as an option of adding to our family.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spa Night

I had a great time tonight at our MOPS spa night. My group helped plan it and it turned out great. It was so relaxing. I will really miss MOPS now that I am graduating out. Hannah starts kindergarten so she will be too old. I am hoping to find a homeschool group to get involved with once we know where we will be living. I sent out another resume for Joseph this week but there is just not a lot out there in his field. I am hoping for one that got back to him, Interra Health. They are located by Milwauke but he would be in a contracted position as a health screener. He would travel to companies in WI and put on health screenings for employees. I think we can live anywhere since he will travel to the company. We will find out more in June, that is when they will call for an interview. Then training begins in August. We might have to find a temp job to get us by if nothing else comes through before they call back.

Well, I don't have much to post. I have had a migraine for two days and I need to get some sleep, if I can. 

1 comment:

  1. Our MOPS group had a spa night a few years ago, and it was a blast! Lots of work, but so worth it.
    How exciting that you're preparing to homeschool your daughter. There's so much fun to be had together. Enjoy the planning - that part can be fun too!
    Blessings on your journey,
