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Lakeshore area, Wisconsin, United States
The journey of our family... new job for Joseph, new city for all of us. Homeschooling full time this fall, considering foster to adoption as an option of adding to our family.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Surgery was a success, so far

Well, I was up bright and early to get to the hospital an hour away. I got to sit with dad until they took him to get his "halo" put on, his MRI and then into the OR. I think he finally got into surgery around 9:30am and he was done around noon. I got to go up to his room around 1:45 and he looked great. His head was shaved and he had large gauze bandages covering the two holes on top of his head where they drilled into his brain. He also had two regular band-aids on his forehead where the "halo" was pinned. He seemed in good spirits and not in much pain other than a headache that he rated at a 5 on the pain scale. Understandable he would have a headache. The nurse forgot to bring his meds for his headache so two hours later I reminder her. She brought in some vicodin and he tried to rest. His headache was getting worse and he was not able to get any sleep. I went back to the nurses station and they came back to give him morphine by IV. They then took him for a CT scan to make sure he did not have any bleeding in his brain. I left after I ordered him dinner. I will go back tomorrow and they plan to discharge him early in the afternoon. I will drive him home and stay with him over the weekend. My sister is supposed to come up after work and stay the weekend too. I am so thankful for all the prayers and support from family and friends. Dad will go back in two weeks to get the device implanted in his chest to control the probes they put in today. Then hopefully we will see the full results from the surgery. Thank you Lord for you guidance today, we know you were watching over dad today and guided the hands of the physicians.

On another happy note Joseph is down to 30 days until graduation. I also got a lot of searching done at the hospital today and I think I have found a homeschool program for Hannah. It is called Five in a Row. I am excited to get started this fall. I am exausted after 12 hours at the hospital, so I am off for now.

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